
Automatic Classification and Categorisation

Information Management

In today's digital age, more than 75% of corporate data is unstructured, making it difficult to manage and extract insights from. DiscoveryOne offers a solution to this problem with its automatic classification and Categorisation capabilities.
Legacy Documents

Legacy documents can be a headache to manage, especially when it comes to identifying which ones should be deleted or archived. DiscoveryOne's automatic tagging solution simplifies this process, making document migration faster and cleaner. With the ability to analyse documents in different languages, DiscoveryOne categorises them according to the evolving requirements of agile businesses.

Retention Policies

Retention policies rely heavily on metadata, which user tags may not always provide. Information managers can use DiscoveryOne's automatic classification as a secondary layer of protection to ensure effective retention policies. This enables organisations to clean up their file shares and archive documents with ease.

Information Security

Sensitive data such as personal identifiable information, confidential records, and financial details can easily be lost or leaked due to insufficient document tagging. DiscoveryOne recognises documents that contain such data, enabling automatic classification to ensure information security. Information managers can instantly apply security policies and procedures to protect critical information.

Advanced Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Pingar's artificial intelligence capabilities use two machine learning algorithms to ensure high tagging precision and information recall. The solution requires only approximately seven minutes to learn a given category, and there is no limit to the number of categories you can have. This makes it possible for global enterprises to cover their entire content holdings.

Automatic classification and Categorisation is a crucial solution for managing unstructured data effectively. With DiscoveryOne's capabilities, businesses can gain insights and visibility over their data, simplify document migration, enforce effective retention policies, ensure information security, and cover their entire content holdings with advanced machine learning and artificial intelligence.